Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Light Out for 5 Minutes-Feb 1, 1:55-2:00pm

The 1st of February 2007:

Participate in the biggest mobilization of Citizens Against Global Warming!

The Alliance for the Planet [a group of environmental associations] is
calling on all citizens to create 5 minutes of electrical rest for the
planet. http://www.lalliance.fr

People all over the world should turn off their lights and electrical
appliances on the 1st of February 2007, between 1.55 pm and 2.00 pm
in New York and Bogota, 18.55 for London, and 19.55 for Paris, Bruxelles,
East Africa and
Italy. 1.55pm in Ottawa, 10.55 am on the Pacific Coast of North
America, 1.55 and 2.00 am in Vietnam. If your country isn´t mentioned here,
figure out what time you should shut your electricity off based on what time
zone you´re in using London time as the base time.

This is not just about saving 5 minutes worth of electricity; this is
about getting the attention of the media, politicians, and ourselves.

Five minutes of electrical down time for the planet: this does not
take long, costs nothing, and will show all political leaders that
global warming is an issue that needs to come first and foremost in
political debate.

Why February 1? This is the day when the new UN report on global
climate change will come out in Paris.

This event affects us all, involves us all, and provides an occasion
to show how important an issue global warming is to us. If we all
participate, this action can have real media and political weight.

Please circulate this call to your utmost ability to your network.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So get this. In Bogota, a city of 8 million people, there will be no car traffic at all for Feb. 1. How cool is that!? Only public transport will be running in order to show support of the UN global warming report being released.

Step It Up Maine!

On April 14, over 1000 organizations will be hosting events in their communities to call on policy makers to take aggressive action to mitigate anthropogenic climate change, the greatest threat of our generation. Our message: "Step It Up! Cut carbon emissions 80% by 2050." You can be a part of this historical event by joining us at the Maine State House in Augusta as we hand deliver a joint statement signed by thousands of Maine students and citizens. We will be celebrating with information, speakers, and music. Maine of us will be biking from out school and other will be carpooling. If you cannot make the event, your signature and voice can by signing the petition below Please take 30 seconds to sign online and help initiate lasting change that will benefit many generations to come! Students of Maine Sign HERE: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/865908518 Citizens of Maine Sign Here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/358025097 Thank You! Jack Murphy jmurphy3@bates.edu April 14: Noon - 3pm Maine State House Augusta, Me If you would like more information on 'Step It Up!' visit www.stepitup2007.org If you would like more information on the event in Augusta, email Jack Murphy (jmurphy3@bates.edu)